I’ve spent a great deal of time sitting and thinking over the last few weeks. It’s given me the space to mull a few things over and to take stock. And it’s also taught me some valuable life lessons – or at least reminded me of things I already knew.
The first of these is about the importance of family and friends. People you can count on when the chips are down. People who will be there for you when you need support, a shoulder to cry on, some TLC, or whatever.
The second is about never, ever giving up. It’s very easy to look at all the things going wrong – and I should know, I’m a glass half empty kind of person. But I’ve learned over the past few weeks, that there’s always something more one can try, always a small step forward to be identified or a little success to be celebrated, no matter how small.
‘What has this got to do with educational psychology?’ I hear you ask.
In the first case, it’s about helping children and young people build strong relationships with the people around them; enabling them to acquire and strengthen the social skills to form and maintain good relationships with their peers. Or it could be about working with them and their family to resolve issues within the family setting so that the family relationships are more harmonious, supportive and rewarding for all involved.
As regards the second, it’s very easy to be negative – about life, school work, friendships and so on. Sometimes, we need to be helped to value the good things going on around us – and accept the positive aspects of ourselves – to celebrate the successes in our life, however small, and to reach for the next step. This might also be about helping children and young people have the confidence and determination to tackle the next challenge and to adopt a positive mindset. Sometimes, it’s about helping schools or families create a positive, forward-looking climate and to prevent them from limiting what children can achieve, however subtly.
So, when you go to bed tonight, ask yourself what life lessons you’ve learned today? Think about all the things that have gone well for you and yours in the last 24 hours. And if a negative thought or disappointment creeps into your mind, challenge yourself to think of at least three more positive things that have come your way today.
If you want to discuss any of the above and how it relates to you and your family, please email nicky@valuingminds.com.
I really enjoyed that! Thank you! Really valuable tool!